

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Jump Start Song

The Jump Start Program

The Jump Start Learning system is the award winning line of educational software products that is organized by grade level, offering complete age appropriate curriculum from toddles all the way to the fifth grade. Jump start full grade products cover an entire year of essential learning fundamental one grade at a time. Jump start subject focus on specific critical areas of educational curriculum leading your child to grade based subject mastering.  Jump Start learning tools offer supplemental learning for kids of all ages. Jump Start adaptive learning technology automatically tracks and adjust difficulty levels to match advancing abilities. Exclusive features like the parents progress report help parent monitor a child progress and tracks success.

Jump Start Toddlers - age 18 months to 3 years
The Jump Start toddlers is exciting computer discovery software created just for the curious minds of toddles. It introduces children to the alphabet, numbers, nursery rhymes, shapes, colours and musical instruments. Through the process the toddlers are guided by vocal jolly tone by cuddly bear character together with attracted colours and graphics incorporated to grasp the attention of the toddler. According to Piaget's Cognitive Development Theory, children at this stage construct knowledge of the world through coordinating their sensory experiences. The Jump Start software help enhances the sensory ability in children.  The action buttons are very user-friendly to navigate throughout the pages.  There is also a parent progress report that allows the parent to monitor the progress of the child.

  Jump start Pre-kindergarten – age 3 years to 5 years
This stage is designed to advance the pre Kindergarten learning, where children solve puzzles, play games, sing songs, build sequencing and sorting skills, develop concentration, problem solving and decision making skills. They are also taught concepts like manners, sharing and safety.  Vygotsky’s Theory comes right into play as his theory stated that scaffolding assist children in learning. The child tries to understand the world beyond his sensory action and therefore Jump Start software guides them to the accuracy and judgements of their learning process. The multimedia drill and practice software has a user-friendly interface with precise instructions which are appropriate for children at this stage.  
The Jump Start program is produced for children up to grade five, which is age 9. At each start the software again is very user-friendly and attractive which also incorporates the parent progress report which allows them to be a part of the learning process, and monitor progress and success. All action buttons are functional and navigates directly to the mention screens. The colour scheme and characters were ideally used and attractive.   

The following sites takes you directly to explore the exciting world of Jump Start.....enjoy and have fun.