

Friday, February 26, 2010

Encouraging song about reading.

Learning the alphabet the fun way for children.........

Sheppard Software

The use of Technology in society for children can be  a motivation to learn.  As technology continues to play a major role in the education of children today, is one of the ideal software that can be used for such development. This software is designed for children of all ages such as; Pre kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades as there are different classifications that students can select and explore.

This software supports the school curriculum and includes various subject areas such as; Vocabulary, Health, Science, Math, History, Art and several more.


On clicking the navigation button; Vocabulary, it redirects you to a page with interactive activities and games such as: Grammar Tutorial, Verbs in Space, Adjective Adventure and many more. Each activity is displayed in attractive colours, and graphics with sounds, for instance with the movement of the cursor throughout the page. These Vocabulary activities helps a child develop their creative skills in writing; improve their speech and spelling abilities. The animations and cartoons characters incorporated in these activities are very much interactive, using different types of multimedia.


On clicking the math navigational button, there are activities and games. These activities support the lessons to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Each game contains attractive multimedia, such as musical sounds, colours, and interactive graphics.

Other activities and games

These include activities and knowledge on animals, science, and history. All of which again uses several of interactive media which is eye catching and mind grasping. For instance, the animals’ category is broken down into sections such as Mammals, Birds, Invertebrates, Fish, and Reptiles.

Some of the key benefits of this software: software is free, so children can always be up-to-date with educational technology.  Saving money on consumable materials.

All the interactive pages and activity screens are very user friendly with easy a working navigational buttons.

The software is equipped with voice assistant for children who may have a reading disability. Taking the children though step by step instructions and navigation's.  

Enhanced instructional methods such as visual demonstrations, access to learning opportunities and cooperative learning.  

This software promote Drill and Practice which permits learners to work problems and get feedback.

The software is very attractive and simple to understand, making it inviting for children, teachers and parents to explore and learn.

The following HTML will take you directly the the sites to view and purchase the software.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Learning Ladder for Children

Learning for children today takes various forms. While learning still takes place in school and school like environment, the use of technology is playing a major role in the education instruction for children. Learning Ladder Instructional Software CD is one such example, which supports the school curriculum that includes: maths, reading and writing. This CD series is also designed for differing age groups. The age group i choose focus with ages 7-8. This CD is broken into two categories; the Learning and Activities. 

Learning Ladder 

On entering this page, attractive sounds and animations used, would grasp the attention of any user especially children. The use of different colours and animated icons were bright and eye catching. 

This page lead to a room where children are given the freedom to click on varying objects which lead to differing activities for example; boo tags, name tags, birthday party cards and also given the choice of selecting their own pictures.This develops the creativity in children allowing them to explore and improve their writing skills. Note: at each stage and step of the CD their is a background voice giving vocal instructions. This can be of great benefit for children with reading disabilities. 

There are several reading and writing skills that could be developed through the use of phonics and children were rewarded on the completion of an exercises. 

Activity Section 

The Activity Section of the CD consist of games that could enhance memory, creativity skills, attention and co-ordination skills, with the use of games and other cartoon characteristics and animation.